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BCA Full Form, What is the Full Form of BCA ?

The Full Form of BCA is Bachlore of Computer Application.

Bachlore of Computer Application (BCA) is a undergraduate degree course offered by many colleges and university in India. Bachlore of Computer Application (BCA) is considered as a equivalent course to B.Tech or B.E in Computer Science.

Also Read Full Form of DCA Click Here.

Bachlore of Computer Application (BCA) course provides a sound academic base to students to help them pursue advanced career in computer application and information technology.

 Bachlore of Computer Application (BCA) is an ideal course for the students who want to make their career in computer science or  Information technology fields.

Bachlore of Computer Application (BCA) will provide you a sound knowledge in key areas of computer science, professional competence in developing software to develop practical skills to solve the computer application's problems in daily life.

Also Read Full Form of DCA Click Here.

Subject Of Bachlore of Computer Application (BCA) :

1.Multimedia SystemsIntroduction to SysPro And Operating Systems
2.Advance Java
3.Computer Fundamental and Office Automation
4.Computer Laboratory and Practical Work
6.Visual Basic
7.Inventory Management (SAD)
8.Human Resource Management
9.Object Oriented Programming using C++
10.Computer Laboratory and Practical Work
11.Numerical Methods
12.Data Structure using C
13.Software Engineering
14.Management Accounting
16.Computer Laboratory and Practical Work (D.S + RDBMS)
17.Business Communication
18.Principles of Management
19.Programming Principles and Algorithms
20.Computer Fundamental and Office Automation

Job Offer for Bachlore of Computer Application (BCA) Graduate:

1.Web developer

2.Software developer

3.System Administrator

4.System engineer


Popular College of Bachlore of Computer Application (BCA) :

1.Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies & Research

2.Amity Institute of Information Technology

3.Kristu Jayanti College

4.Women's Christian College

5.St. Joseph's College

6.Stella Maris College

7.Presidency College

8.DAV College

9.Department of Computer Science, St. Xavier's College


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